Thursday, April 2, 2009

Coupons for The Onion Store

Long revered as a source of excellent satire and wit, The ONION also boasts an impressive array of funny t-shirts. If you are looking to save money, use the following coupon code to save 20% :

SAVE 20% AT THE ONION STORE! Enter coupon code 'areavip09' at checkout

Here are a few of the great t-shirts at The ONION's online store:

"Are your cats old enough to learn about Jesus?"


"Owls are assholes."

Shockingly true.

The Onion Store might just have the funniest t-shirts in the world, but make sure to use the coupon code above to save 20% on all their t-shirts. Without the coupon for the ONION store, you're likely to pay more!